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“There is only one boss. The customer.
And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else” -
Sam Walton

Customers are the reason we are here. Since starting our company in 1976, we have had the pleasure of doing business with companies large and small all over the world. Sometimes customers are only looking for a short-term solution and we part ways after a few months or years. But many customers have continued with Amgraf for 10+ years, allowing us to be part of their documents production and management team.


Our Customers are Always Right

Amgraf is a different kind of forms software company. We license our software tools to forms designers and/or E-Form programmers, and then allow customers to use the software for an unlimited number of E-Forms, users, servers, and projects. We are vendor and platform agnostic, but compatible with almost all of them. We leverage and encourage the use of Open Source Software to provide the most economical and efficient solutions for our Customers and their Clients.


Reliability with Performance

You can count on Amgraf software to be reliable and dependable. Yes, we have high-tech software products that take advantage of the best computing methods and systems. And we engineer our products so that they do their functions extremely well, without failures that interrupt production or jeopardize quality. Some MECCA systems have run continuously in customer shops for years without rebooting. Amgraf delivers document automation solutions that work day-in and day-out.



Selected Customer Logos


Customer Service is not a Department, It’s an Attitude

We always try to see problems from our customer’s perspective. Most of the new features and functions added to our software products come as a result of a customer telling us that they need something better. This synergy with our customers is the best reason we recently celebrated 45 years in business.

2021 is the 45th Anniversary of Amgraf. The company was founded in 1976.

Nice Things Our Customers Say

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Amgraf Sales • (800) 304-4797 • Toll Free


Forms Software Technology for Print Manufacturing, Industry and Government


Online Demos
Electronic Forms
International E-Forms
Data Capture
WebEx Conference

Forms Design
Drawing Features
Variable Imaging
Database Composition
Flexographic Labels

Secure Documents
Graphical Features
Layered Documents

Product Literature
Demo Videos
Privacy Policy
Price List

State Governments Using Amgraf Technology

Many state governments use Amgraf Software for forms production and management.